orait kwn2, after a long winter break, we are back with a lot of great, interesting, adventurous and meaningful experiences and stories.. experiences about our first trip to Spain (nikwani, kak yong and ira), Italy (erica) and Turkey (nadia).
For this entry ill write about the journey of three princesses to Spain and to be more specific, Madrid and Barcelona. Oleh sebab too many stories to tell, it will be post sikit2 in different entry.
our journey this time bertemakan 'LEFTIES'. At the end of our journey, lets count how many LEFTIES that we had.
we left our castle sweet castle, Castlewhite at around 6 pm to catch the last bus at 7 pm. Our kakaks, kak nad, kak miha and kak fika and us took a cab to go to the bus stop. Sampai kt air coach punye stop, the first LEFTIES happened.
LEFTIES 1: dgn jayenye meninggalkan food yg byk kt dlm cab
Then, we took the bus straight away to the Dublin Airport. We arrived at the airport at almost 12 midnight. Oleh sebab kelambatan tiba di airport, all the best seats to sleep were taken. Tinggal seat2 yg x best je. Kami x sempat bt perluasan kuase kt Dublin, so kami xde hak menghalau mereka dr merampas seat2 yg best. Maka at that night, the princesses of Narnia terpakse tido merempat. But its ok, we all can merempat sometimes.. its not a big deal for us. Lagipon ayahanda kami menggalakkan kami utk belajar hidup berdikari sebagai persediaan utk memerintah Narnia kelak.
early at 4 am, we woke up. act x tido pon. dgn tahap kebisingan dan kekerasan kerusi, x mungkin kami boleh tido dgn nyenyak dan lame. so, bgn utk siap2 nk naek flight at 7 am. Mase tgh2 ready nk check in, kak nad br sedar yg die dah lame x nmpk hp die.. call punye call xde org angkat. the 2nd LEFTIES berlaku
LEFTIES 2: tertinggal hp kt dlm bas
pastu kami check in and naek flight and sampai dgn selamat nye kt Airport Barajas dlm kol 10 lebih camtu la, x sure sgt. Then kami naek metro g kt Tirso de Molina tmpt hostel kami yg sgt klasik. Lif die muat 3 org je xle lebih, kalo lebih nnt x naek. Sampai je, letak2 brg then teros kuar. Transport kami di sini selain naek kaki, kami juga naek metro and metro kt sini sgt cpt smpai, x sempat kami merasa nk tggu kt kerusi yg disediakan. Ade nada kejakunan sedikit di situ kerana situasi ini sgt berbeza di M'sia dimana kami penat merasa tggu kt kerusi yg disediakan. Kami juga kekadang sgt tension dgn kecepatan metro nh xoz x smpt nk berehat tren dah sampai, adeh~
Kami g jln2 area Sol, pastu g Plaza Mayor yg dikatekan famous, tp act xde pape pon kt situ. Org dok jual2 brg x best je. Pastu kt sini la kami termakan dan terjerat dgn pujuk rayu pak cik penjual Churros, sejenis makanan yg di'dip' kt dlm hot choc yg pekat gle. Hmm, kalo ikot ak yg x gemar benda pekat2 nh x sedap la, tp ira ckp best. Lain org lain rase kot, tp pak cik mmg cekik darah, benda alah tu mahal nk mampos. Sekali rs mmg dah xnk rs lg. Then g shopping sourvenir yg byk gle sambil2 cari kedai mknn halal which is kebab.
Sambil2 dok shopping, bergedik bersame same sambil mengambil gmbr yg sgt byk, nnt senang nk tunjuk kt rakyat jelata yg x pegi. Yang malang nye, tgh dok syok jln2 bergedik ketawa, dorg nh bersaeng pegi toilet. Dorg sume cirit birit coz mkn gulai kambing kt Airport Dublin mlm tu except nikwani.. haha sian dorg and pencetus segala cirit birit nh is kak miha bersame pesaeng terdekat nye which is kak fika. The 3rd LEFTIES
LEFTIES 3: tinggal gulai kambing kt bar and McD kt Madrid
Kitorg shopping kt Plaza de Espana, byk gle kedai2 sale kt situ. Kami sume sudah tidak dpt mengawal diri dan bershopping dgn byk sekali tambah2 jumpa kedai name LEFTIES yg murah gle sampai kena halau coz kedai dah nk tutup. Then after penat bertungkus lumus bershopping kami balik tmpt persinggahan dan beradu. Next journey will be post next entry, DAY 2!