dah 1 bln lbh aku duk kat cork nih...
dah byk kali aku msuk klas physio..tp aku tertanye2..knp setiap kali klas tu aku mesti tertido,bkn sengaje tp mmg ter(btul nih)...tp mujur ade kwn2 di ccku yg setia m'beri sokongan moral n fizikal coz m'cubit ku(aku yg sruh pn) n mengejutkn ku yg terlelap sejenak..aku sedikit pelik..adekah aku disumpah utk mmg terlelap di dlm klas itu(mntk jauh huhuhu)..coz aku rase bekalan tido ku mmg da teramat ckup..lecterur pn mmg bersungguh2 nk ajr kami(tabik dr. elizabeth)..dat's why aku tertanye2..
beside dat..aku tertanye2 jgk knpla peti ais castlewhite teramatla sjuk smpai brokoli yg ktorg simpan bleh dselaputi ais even ltk kat compartment biase tu..klu nk msak ayam tu plak..terpakse la rendam dlu lam air..so sng skit nk potong..tp time potong tu agakla sekse klu sisa2 ais ade lg coz jariku ini akan terase amatla kebas...ma toloooong!!!!
futhermore..aku tertanye2 knpla lampu kt castlewhite ni(terutamanye blik nik wani n kak yong n nadia n aku) klu rosak mesti nk berduet jgk????blik nik wani n kak yong rosak lampu main n lampu kt tingkap tu then blik aku n nadia plak gedik nk rosak kt sink n kt tingkap tu..mak aiii..tlgla..tp tabik kt receptionist castlewhite coz m'jlnkn tugas sepantas kilat hihihihi..lampu blik kak yong da ok..tp aku xwat report lg hihihi...
dan aku tertanye2 jgk knpla... aku bc lmbt sgt ni...exam da nk dkt..byk lg yg nk kne tgk nih...adoiii
klu sesape bleh bg jwpn kpd persoalan yg berlegar2 lam kepale aku nih...dipersilakn=D
sebenarnye byk bende lg yg aku tertanye2..tp nk sambung study skit lg..mybe next time..insyaAllah..
"Ya Allah bantulah hambaMU yg lemah ini menjalani setiap detik yg Kau kurniakn..msukkanlah aku dlm golongan yg Kau redhai dan permudahkanlah sgl urusan kami semua di sini....Amin"..
12 years ago
kehkehkehkeh..aden ade jwpn sket yg might mmbantu~
1. psl tido tuh, maybe inevitable i think? hahaha...yg tu x taw r nk wt cmne~ bdk2 malaysia ni mmg kuat tido dlm lecture..LoL
2. peti ais tuh ade setting ntok kesejukan die~ its d tombol with number 1 to 6 (i think) on the inside,right wall of d fridge. so adjust r tht number~ tht shud do it~
3. yg lampu lak..xtaw lak aden.tp thn lepas mse ak dok ctu lampu kuning kt sinki tu mmg rosak~ tp ak x g repot pon.mls~ lgpon x pki pon =P (shidot jek bising2~)
4. psl study tu...try r mntk tips ngn senior e.g Nad, Kamil, Jo Lin n lelaen.they shud b of great help!
well, thats all i think.hopefully it helps~ im just trying 2 help at my best anyway~ Gud Luck!
-ex-occupant apt. 21-
ooo..camtu ek?menarik2..bleh djadikn panduan..ok,thanxcute=D
(fendi bleh jd problem solver r..hihihihi)
fendi lari ke sini..haha..
tapi aku dlu time gebruers ajar, mmg tido je keje..cuba tanya kawan singapore aku tuh..asyik2 gelak tgk aku tido..
bt physio wouldnt be a prob la..
exam tips for first assessment:
baca dan lukis Action Potential,
know the body water, fat content in both male and female,
blood contents and what can increase or decrease the volumes..
semua ada dlm lecture..
well aku rasa itu yg keluar last year.
nk confirm tanya kakak nadzzzz. sekian
wow.. pak cik kamil mmg abg dentist yg baik.. bg details psl exam.. gud2! btw ak x tido pon tym gebruers tu, tp st benda pon x msk.. mengelamun tgk slide~
situasi aku same cam ko la nikwani!!!
mule2 tu semangat berkobar2..pas2 tetibe x pay attention n terus mengelamun huhuhu...bek aku tido je camni...(alasan hehehe..)
to ira: im so glad i was of help~ insya allah bole lg aden tlg..ow ye..lupe nk inform~ shidot is a VERY3 avid fan of makcik siti nurhaliza...hahaha..so maybe korng berdua leh share alot of things~ =)
to kamil: amboii..ckp org ye..pdhal die tu yg dh bookmark blog nih~ hahaha...ko tuh yg lari sini..=P
to kamil:terime kasih daun kladi 4 d tips..laen kali bg lg..hihihi
to fendi:o really?ok2 menarik..=D
aku agak seram sejuk di sini bile da tawu sape x-resident Room 3,Apart 21..wawawa
kini aku curious sesuatu~~
hahaha..ko curious pkbnde nye nadia? room 3 apt 21 is d best room dowh compared to other rooms/apartments~ kehkehkehkeh~
ape ke bnd yg best nye?
paip sinki kt kitchen pon
nk tercabut.. best lg apt 17
x tercabut.. pstu xde tadah2 air kt sink.. hahaha
nik wani syggg..
jgn nk kutuk2 umah aku..k!
aku dgn ini mengistiharkn "kelab terpinggir" trtubuh dgn rasminye.
wani...ko jgn kutuk2..
aku terminate ko kang..
bilik 3,aprt 21 mmg best~~
da laa nmpak sungai..huhu..
aku cam curious sape yg dapat meje kecik cam aku last tym??
pakcik fendi...sile la jawab~
to ira: lorr igt kelab terpinggir dh lm tertubuh.. haha jgn mrh ak just bgtau hakikat sebenr apt korg.. haha
to nadia: best ke tgk river tu? bkn korg takot ke nk tgk luar tgkp.. ade ape la agk nye kt situ.. jeng3
to nikwani: uihh..kasao tuh..ala stkt paip sinki tu..pggl mkcik reception nnti die dh repairkn~ hehehe...xde2..apt 21 room 3 is still d BEST! hahaha~ watching River Lee from ur room..apt 21 room 3 jek bole..laen2 x bole =)
to nadia: meja kecik? ak gak yg dpt~ hahaha...i guess meja besa tu mmg dh reserved ntok peminat2 Siti Nurhaliza je r (Shidot ngn Ira) =P
peminat ct kne bg yg besar.. nnt br ade space nk tampal poster ct ke, lyric lagu ke, gosip psl ct ke..hahaha~
btw, tgk river lee tu x best ponnn.. tgk parking lot lg best.. bleh tgk2 org (nk kondem fendi gk) hehe~
ahhh~ xde2...bole jek nk tgok org frm apt 21 tu~ org2 yg lalu lalang kt ats jmbatan tu...hahaha~ apt 17? nk bau River Lee pon x dpt...ngahahaha!~
ala stakat nk bau river lee tu ak pon x hingin la.. x best pon.. hehehe~
btw, kalo nk bau sgt.. ari2 pon lalu kot pg brookefield.. so xde la special sgt APT 21 ROOM 3 tu!!
ceh...x nk ngalah lg tu~ xde2...apt 17 SGT X BEST~ Boooooooooo!!!!!!
APt 21 room 3 gak YANG PALING BESTEST!!!!
ok.. kalo x nk ngalah gk nnt ak bt poll.. kte vote tgk apt sape yg lg best... hahahahaha
ngahahaha..silap besa r ko wt poll..ko sanggup ke nk menanggung malu bile kalah nnti? hahahaha =P
please don't kondem peminat ct k...ct n ktorg xbersalah lam hal ni..(tetibe)
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