Monday, November 10, 2008

survey GGS~

[1]How old are you?
nadia, ira and erica dah 20.. nikwani and kak yong still sweet 19

[2] Are you single?
nikwani: yeap
nadia: triple.. ade 2 boyfriends
hanis: tuuuttt..
ira: tetttt
erica: Yes. But not open for application, yet.

[3] In what age do you think you’ll get married?
nikwani: 24 thn
nadia: 17 setengah thn
hanis: b4 30 thn
ira: seperti di ats
erica: Hmm…

[4]Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now??
nikwani: nope
nadia: xkn nk kahwin ngan donut
hanis: nggak
ira: hmmmmmmmm
erica: Huh?

[5] If not, who do you want to marry?
nikwani: xtau lg, ikot mak (arrange married)
nadia: bf lg satu
hanis: ikot ayah ( dr sheikh bleh x?)
ira: ikot mak bapak
erica: U-Know YunHo!!!!! Hahahahhaa..

[6] Do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?
nikwani: anything
nadia: x tahu laaaa.. x pikir nk kahwin pon! tepi sawah pon x kesah aslkn kahwin
hanis: kt porch kt umah sudeyh
ira: kt bwh kemah sudeyh
erica: On the Everest

[7] Your ideal motif?
nikwani: white ( ala2 suci)
nadia: warne2 lumpur, ala2 pesawah naik dr bendang
hanis: ala2 gothic
ira: gold or cream
erica: Simple, white.. It’s white and snowy on Everest rite??

[8] Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
nikwani: barcelona
nadia: milan, italy
hanis: ntah la.. x tahu.. honeymoon kt kmpg bleh x?
ira: seperti di ats dan di bwh
erica: Antarctica and touch the polar bears and swim with the seals+ penguins…if you can call that romantic

[9] How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
nikwani: as many as i can
nadia: agk2 kemah tu biar muat org kg ak, kg sbelah and kg sbelah punye sbelah
hanis: the more the merrier
ira: ikot mak
erica: No limit.. Believe me, Everest can fit a lot..

[10] Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
nikwani: tgk dlu kawen ngan sape.. kalo ngan dato' xkn nk bt simple kn? hehe
nadia: headache la nk pk
hanis: simple and sweet
ira: malas nk fikir
erica: Extravagant! definitely.

[11] Do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own?
nikwani: xtahu, x pk
nadia: action speak louder than words
hanis: apekah? perlukah?
ira: no no no
erica: Make up on ur own..more interesting lor…!

[12] How many layers of cake do you want to have?
nikwani: bt layer kek tu sampai penat.. dah penat br kire brape layers
nadia: make sure tinggi tu ak boleh potong
hanis: ala, bt tinggi2 pon x sampai nk potong..
ira: bia cukup untuk sume org
erica: 7..One for sorrow, 2 for joy, 3 for girl and 4 for a boy..erm, 5 for silver, 6 for gold..and 7 for my number layers of cake..and im growing old..

[13] Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?
nikwani: hotel
nadia: kan dah kate kt tepi sawah.. adeh
hanis: kan dah kate kt porch.. adeh
ira: kan dah kate kt bwh kemah.. adeh
erica: hotel at foot of everest

[14] When do you want to get married, evening or morning?
nikwani: pagi kot
nadia: bilekah??????
hanis: rs nye pagi kot.. nnt petang bleh basuh pinggan.. yg pasti bkn mlm
ira: tgh2 boleh?
erica: Morning..juz to get everyone up early!, sunshine’s good for u!

[15] You’d rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?
nikwani+nadia+hanis+ira: bengap la.. bape kali nk ty.. refer jawapan di ats
erica: an optimist when it comes to weather!;p theme must be ‘back to nature’..(haha,poyo tak??^^)

[16] Do you like a grand entrance for your groom?
nikwani: ikot wedding planner ak
nadia: tema tepi sawah grand x?
hanis: of course la.. xkn nk bt cikai2 kot
ira: ikot bapak
erica: Yes2..of course..a carriage led by a white pretty yak pweetty pweezzz!!*blinkblink*

[17] Name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding??
nikwani: estranged ade bt lagu kawen x?
nadia: x terfikir la.. blom nk kawen lg.. (nada emo)
hanis: you give me something by james morrison, tu pon kalo ayh ak kasi.. tp mcm x je.. hehe
ira: x pikir lagi, selawat kot.. (insaflah kak yong)
erica: Erm..

[18] Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
nikwani+nadia+hanis+ira: hampeh punye soalan.. sape yg nk gelap2.. nnt silap akad nikah br tau
erica: Wat does dat mean???

[19] What age do you want to get married?
nikwani+nadia+hanis+ira: dah ty leeeeeeeeeeeerrrr.. adeh~
erica: the age that im not considered to be too old…wanna save my youth doing adventurous things first before sitting at home and taking care of kids!haha..sowee

[20] Describe your ideal husband/wife
nikwani: pjg nh.. handsome, panas, body kne tough, kne tau maen drum, maen basketball, pastu tinggi dr ak.. ade kereta sport, x boleh pakai sandal kne pakai kasut all the tym.. lagi, byk duit utk disalurkn kpd ak, syg gle kt ak ( ak x syg die pon xpe), baik hati, ske budak2, x kedekut, bukan org kelantan, tau berlawan dgn musuh di saat2 genting untuk menyelamatkn ak, and yg paling penting beriman (selain solat 5 waktu, slalu rajin smayang sunat and hafal al-Quran)
nadia: tinggi, x buncit, tough, rambut best (ak je tau cne best tu), x tggl smayang, ske bg pesanan, ske gelak, aktif bersukan xnk yg pasif
hanis: ak je tau, its secret! pandai msk (bonus)
ira: berilmu, beriman beramal (motto sekolah ak) dan seperti di ats
erica: YunHo.. Dunno who? Go google..

[21] Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
nikwani: ikot menu
nadia: ala kampung la.. konsep sawah kn
hanis: mkn ngan tgn la best
ira: btol2 kak yong
erica: Fine dining! Puh-lease!evything has to be perfect! Kalau ade gold diner stes wud be better..heee.

[22] Champagne or red wine?
nikwani+nadia+hanis+ira: no thx! erica??
erica: Can I ask YunHo first??? will get back to u on dat..:p

[23] Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
nikwani: right after wedding
nadia: after la
hanis: tolong kemas rumah dlu pst br pegi
ira: seperti di ats
erica: Hey, jgn la nk merepek..mesti la after…

[24] Money or household item?
semua: both ( gle tamak)

[25] Who will pay for the bills?
nikwani: my husband 100%
nadia: nnt dah ade calon br bincang
hanis: share ( 70 30.. 30 tu ak byr)
ira: share
erica: Y me?? He’s suppose to be well-off and rich rite?? So let him pay lor…hehe

[26] Are you ready for married life?
semua: nooooooooooooooooooooo

[27] Do u think you will still be a virgin until u gets married?
semua: OF COURSE!

[28] Will u always be true to your wife/husband?
nikwani: definitely
nadia: mestilaaa
hanis: 100%
ira: 150%
erica: The question is…will HE be true to me…nyuek!

[29] How many kids do u like?
nikwani: ikot kebesaran kereta yg dibeli ble dah kawen
nadia: semuat kereta.. kereta sebesar sebyk duit.. duit ditentukn oleh kerjaye saye
hanis: akan dibincang kemudian
ira: semuat kereta juge
erica: None of ur business…find out wen iv already got dem!

[30] A new house for a newly wed or an old one?
nikwani: new life so new house
nadia: fully furnished.. x kesah br or lame
hanis: yg br la
ira: seperti di ats
erica: New house la…y wanna buy old one??

[31] Will u celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
nikwani+nadia+hanis+ira: insyaAllah kalo pjg jodoh dan umur
erica: Of coz. Can get presentsssss.. =P

[32]What kind of cuisine would u like for your wedding?
semua: yg sedap2 (nikwani nk budu and tempoyak, ira nk sambal belacan mak cik cemare yg kt depan, hanis nk air asam yg mak die bt, erica nk Edible food)

[33] Will u record your honeymoon in a CD or DVD?
nikwani+nadia+hanis+ira: ya, kami semua record!
erica: No.. My brain is a great recorder enough

p/s: kak sakiinah, dah puas ati lom? and kitorg bukan 'perasan cute dentist' ok? its the truth.. hehehe


fendi said...

hwarharharhar~ lawak btol la bdk2 1st dent nih...anyway..ntok number 18 tuh laen mcm jek jwpn korng.hahaha!~ x jwb soklan lgsung pon =P

actually, it was asking if u wanna do a serious/formal (solemn)nye ceremony...or light one (simple and sempoi) =)

PhotoAddict said...

hahahaha.... so sweet.... buat masa ini korang sumer jawab soalan2 laghu tue tapi apabila tiba masanya nanti... baru la korang recall balik blog ini semua dan akan gelak sorang2... ((confirm!!!) dan tahu ianya lebih dari itu... ((kahwin bukan senang k..)) hehehe... Sabar ajerlah.... anyway, nice questions to answer...

nikwani said...

to pakcikfendi: hehe tu ke maksud die.. huhu dah salah tafsir la nh.. kalo camtu ak nk yg light la.. sempoi sket.. hehe
btw, anda nmpk sggh byk experience.. hehe~

to warkahcinta: ssh e? anyway, this is just for fun.. kitorg pon x terpikir pon psl kawen, kecik lg.. hehe
and these are our dreams.. x salah kn kalo berangan.. jd atau x tuhan je yg tau.. so just wait and see! hehe~

anak abah said...

pak cik fendi:
pak cik niy boleh jadi advisor kami laa..pakcik amat highly potential untuk membimbing kami pada mase kami sengal..hihi..
(bodek nk btolkn laptop...)

Sakiinah said...

ahahahha xleh blah...dahsyat gila jwb..skali 4 jwb serentak hehehe
cuma x puas hati dgn ke-perasan-ness korg hoho

erica > nk kawin kt everest? kirim salam je la kalau nk akk dtg hoho

nadia> rumah akk tepi sawah mai2 hehe foc ja location ;P

ira> asyik ikut jwpn org ja..kang ade yg bmadu nnt huehue

hanis> nak gothic? kawen la dgn MCR sure gempak ;P

nikwani> kriteria husband tahap melampau ok!'bkn kltn' ?? x patriotic lgsg hehe hati2 slalunya ape yg kite xnak la yg akan dpt Mwahahaha!!

anak abah said...

kak sakinah..nik wani mmg..die dari dulu xmo org kelantan..xpaham btol..

umah akak tepi sawah???best nye~~~
nk datng!!(sambil mlompat2!!)
nadia suke tgok sawah~~~

hihi..xpasal2 je org bley percaye nadia ade 2 bf nnti..adeh~~

fendi said...

to nikwani: durhh.."sggh byk experience"? leh tlg rilek x...hahaha.x de kaitan pon~ i was jst explaining the meaning of d question...kehkehkehkeh =P

to nadia: advisor?? highly potential?? membimbing??? weh jgn dow...ahahahaha~~ ak x layak~ anyway, x perlu bodek pon.insya Allah ak akn tlg jek sesapenye laptop =) jst doin my best as a person~ =)

nikwani said...

to kak sakiinah: haha.. jgn ckp camtu kang masin mulut tu.. hehe~
soaln nape xnk org klntan tu xleh nk jwb coz kte sndr pon xtau nape.. tp yg kte tau kte xnk, hehe~

to nadia: amboi mengutuk ak ye.. support la sket, hehe~

to pakcikfendi: x kire ak nk ckp gk ko byk experience.. ske ati la.. hehe~

kamil hassan said...

to nikwani: ko nak tinggi, main drum, tough, panas, main basketball = Adi!! huahuahua

to nadia saleh: yg ko nak kawen ngan donut asal? tak paham do..ko ade triple bf ke ko nak anak triplet? haha..lagi satu asal nak kawen kat sawah? tema sawah? motif lumpur?...ish kamu ni..hahahha..nanti abes dtg lembu, kambing, burung..

erica: gunung everest itu muncung..nanti kalau u duduk kat pelamin atas puncak..ur guest?..jatuh tergolek? huahuahua..

p/s: fendi,shedot,usop single and available..kekeke.

kamil hassan said...

fendi sanggup baiki laptop dgn free..

janji masak masakan kegemarannya ok. *wink wink.

ira said...

to akk sakinah:madu2 jgn sebut k...
mintak jauh...sbnrnye sy mlas nk pk,so ikut jela org len kate...huhuhu

fendi said...

ngade2 giler si kamil nih...mntk tlg admin deletekn comment kamil yg 2nd tu leh x? huhuhuh..geli geleman ak bace~

anak abah said...


pakcik fendi:

kesian laptop aku nk tggu kunjungn ko..haha!!btw,ko mmg baek hati la sbb nk tlg repair lappy aku yg da sengal sipot tuh..
haha..ko xnmo jd advisor??bukan sumer org dpt chance niy taw!!
aku pon geleman giler ngn ayat kamil~~xlarat i!!
kamil gedik!!

pak cik kamil:
1)ko jeles er ngn donut??hihi..ko da tgok ke blum die??kalau ko da tgok mesti ko pon bley terjatuh cinte..haha!!cari laa die kat fs aku,xpon ko tggu upcoming post aku..aku tulis pasal die je..(tp lambt laa..lepas exam anat)..

2)triple?haha..tu laa pasal..aku ckp double..nikwani type redha je laa aku tetibe ade bf triple..
ank triple??apekah???

3)sukati aku laa nk tema sawah..hihi..aku suke xde laa aku nk bwk lembu kerbau sumer..hihi..kalau x,ko nnti aku jempot pon kene berkubang skali...

Witty Angel said...

aaaa comellnyeeee...lime2 jawab survey.hahahaha

nikwani said...

to kamil: how dare u!!

to fendi: kitorg kt sini mengamalkn hak kebebasan bersuare.. so xle delete comment2 yg diberi secare ikhlas visitors laen, hehe

to kak aina: haha thx!, kitorg berusaha utk memenuhi tema blog nh which is cute, so MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! hehe

fendi said...

alaaa...pweasee cik admin....puweasee....pretty2 puwease...with sugar on top?

anak abah said...

Haha.xlarat aku tgok fendi gode admin aku..

*gelak guling2!!*

kamil hassan said...


be careful there fendi.

no sugar sugar ok.

ni sume dentist ni..

dentist tak kasi sugar2 sangat ni..

kan adek adek dentist sekalian?..


p/s: fendi nada mengorat?..hurmmm..

fendi said...

kejam dowh korng dentists! =(

siot jek nadia ngn kamil komplot against ak...eyh bang..kang ak repot ko tuh kang..igt2 eh sket~ be careful there ye abang camille~~ hahahaha!!

anak abah said...

Aku geng fendi!!
Bley je sugar sugar..gula itu penting!hihi..
Nape camille dow?geli je korg niy...huhu

eilawaniey said...

to nik wani:
oo nak suh mak arrange ye..
xmo org kelantan ye..

akn ku pengaruhi ibumu supaya mencari org klate..
ore pasir puteh ko..
sekampung lagi sene nok bekwoh..
ore dlm tmn kito tu ramai lagi solo..anak mok yah ko..

nok ssuko weh lok sero..

nikwani said...

to kak wanie: oopps, kantoi.. haha ma tau doh alg xse oghe klate, sbb tu dio dok ngepek sokmo.. hehe.. sapo oghe kt tmn kito hok solo? haha x knl sgt doh oghe dale tmn tu.. padahal saeng tym kecik2 dlu.. hahaha

fendi said...

ye ye jek nadia ni geng ak...hurmmm....
anyway, x perlu r geli =P
nme manje kamil = camille~ kehkehkehkeh

yananana said...

kamu semuanya chomel2,siyes! :)