Saturday, January 31, 2009

teka teki dikala exam~

1. Bilakah tarikh GGS akan balik ke m'sia?

2. Adakah GGS patut tunggu pass fail oral?

3. Bilakah tarikh GGS akan balik semula ke Cork?

4. Adakah GGS patut skip one week to celebrate raye in m'sia?

5. Flight apekah yg GGS akan pilih?

6. Bilekah GGS nk start usha rumah?

7. lokasi manakah yg patut GGS pilih?

8. Adakah GGS patut stay je kt Castlewhite?

waaaaaaaaa, nh la soalan2 yg tgh berserabut kt kepale otak kitorg nw nh.. dah berbulan pikir still x dpt kate sepakat.. kekadang sampai bertikam lidah ble dah berdiskusi.. waaaaaaaaaaa fening2.. nape kne pikir sume nh.. pikir exam anat pon x sehorror ini.. waaaaaaaa
so, anda2 sume kalo ade jawapan for all the questions please tell us ok?? we really appreciate that!

peace no war!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

buy T shirt charity for Gaza, show ur concern!


sempena kutipan derma yg KUC ngan MCS bt this whole week, dorg juge ade menjual t shirt charity for Gaza yg berharge 12 euro sehelai.. design die mmg cun gle so x rugi kalo korg beli.. lagipon apelah sgt 12 euro tu kn, just think this is for charity.. igt la kte slalu mkn kt Banna Thai tu dah berbelas euro, ape salah nye kalo kali nh korban kn mee yg sedap gile kt Banna Thai tu and buy the t shirt. at least korg do something for Gaza. Maybe duit korg 12 euro tu dorg boleh beli ubat or food or anything else that they need. so, korg dapat la pahale. InsyaAllah kalo kte sedekah kepada org yg memerlukan Allah akan melipat ganda kan rezeki kite. so sape2 yg tercetus rase nk beli disamping menderma ini boleh la pg booth kt boole or kt brookfield. so nh design for the t shirt yg direka khas dgn ikhlas nye oleh incik kamil

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Show your concern...
Show your loves..
Lets help GAZA!!

Concerning the attack of Israel towards the Palestine, Cork Umno Club is really concerned to help collecting donations in aiding the injured civilians. This event is aimed to maximize the collections and the contributions will be channeled to Islamic Relief Organizations for them to buy medical supplies to aid the Palestinians. This event is co-jointly organized by Cork Umno Club and Muslim Cultural Society, UCC.

Charity sees the need and not the cause. Therefore, regardless of our political differences, religion, race, country and regardless who we are, there are people in need out there and it is our duty to help. Don't worry, as the purse is emptied, the heart is filled.

So, please do join us and give us your support!

We are also providing an alternative way of donation via banking. You can either do it online or lodge in your donation into our account. The details are as follows:

Account Name: Kelab UMNO Cork
Account Number : 13453099
NSC : 930121
IBAN Number: IE41 AIBK 93012113453099
Swift Code : AIBKIE2D

It is just a click away to make the life of others much better.

Please donate.


"PALESTINE, you will regain your land back,
Remember Allah and stay away from sins,
PALESTINE will be at peace again,
And filled with the worship of ALLAH.."

Monday, January 12, 2009

Assalamualaikum wbt..holla
okeh skrg nk citer psal journey kitorg day 3(da bermiggu2 blk dr spain still kene langsaikn utang post nih huhuhu)...muahahahha hari ni la yg paling mencabar skali!!!
pagi tuh kami bgn awal jer(awal dr selalu la...).pas2 siap2,kemas2 brg2(takot tertinggal ape2 lg!!) then kami pon g dapor utk bersantap.pagi tu mmg rileks la..tatau kenape..leh makan lambat2, borak2 lg..pas2 siap2 amek wudhuk sbb nk solat kat dlm flight..kak miha pon dok lipat tudung baru tuh(x sporting tol tudung tu!!)tetibe tgk jam dah kul 11 lebey??!!!haaa??flight kitorg kul 1250 weiiii!!tp on da way turun tu sempat lg amik gambar ngan lif classic tuh..siyes mmg selambe badak je padahal da lambat kot!!!!

Gambar tangge hostel..senyum sume walopon kene g kejar flight!!!

pas2 da sampai airport tu,kene jalan jauh kot nk g check in tuh!!berlari2 kitorg cam merentas desa ngan beg2 yg gedabak kak miha la yg paling cool sbb die bwk bag pack kn??hehehe.. siyes penat nk mampos..bakar abis kalori breakfst pg tuh..sesampai kat kaunter nk check in, makcik tuh x bg masuk dah...waaaaaaaa!!!!!ok time ni mmg aku x percaya yg kami da terlepas flight!!!!!!!LEFTIES:MISSED THE FLIGHT TO cam dlm tv lak huhuhu...psal ni aku x citer kat parents lg..sah2 kene lecture kot uhuhu..

pas2 sbb mmg kene gak p barcelona tu,bbrp cr difikirkn~bus,tren@flight len??tren ngan flight mmg sah2 dah mahal..pas2 g usha kat car rental tuh..yg 1st tu x leh sbb kene 25 and above..kami kn mude2 lg so cannnot2..seb bek yg 2nd tu buleh pulak..thanks to encik kacang n sylar!!!kami sewa tom2 skali sbg penunjuk jln yg lurus hehehe..kereta tu bukannye besar pon since die sbnarnye utk 5 org terpakse seludup la lg sorg heheehe..driver kite hr itu,kak nad yg cool hihii...1st time kene jd co-driver...dah la aku ni kalo nek krt mmg rs nk tido je,so berthn je la..(tp mmg ade terbabas pon :-P)

kak nad n encik kacang..en sylar tidak kelihatan disini

rs nya nek kereta lg bes..kire cam kesedihan miss flight tu terubat sket..byk mende menarik yg kami tgk spjg journey tuh..lalu pasir putih,tgk kerbau besar,kincir angin yg byk n besar,lalu kat jambtn yg tinggiiiiii,lalu kat greenwich tu(time nih jakun giler) n byk sehhh..ade hikmah juge ye..thanks to kak nad yg drive about 6 hours!!!!haaa..time ni jugak kak nad dpt msg yg handphone kesayangan da dijumpai.alhamdulillah...

1st 2 hours: sume x berani kaco kak nad..nmpak factory outlet pon bisik2 je hihiihii

kerbau besar n kincir angin

kat greenwich..waaaaa kalo nek flight x nmpk mende alah ni

mereke..sebelom tido ke selepas ekk???

bersame kereta bersejarah ;-)

da sampai airport barcelona,tibe la sesi penyerahan kereta..settle sume,kami pon nk bertolak p hotel idaman la sbb x leh check in after 10pm.mase dlm train, br la kak nad sedar yg die nye purse tertinggal dlm kereta.LEFTIES:TTINGGAL PURSE DLM KERETA..nk x nk kene g amik jugak sbb dlm tu ade sume card credt etc...kami selain kak nad n kak fika pon cont. journey to hotel sbb nk kejar mase..sampai kat stesen tren tu,kami x leh kuar plak sbb x de tiket..( tiket combine n ade kat kak nad).penat pujuk pakcik kerek br die bg kak miha n ira kuar..aku n nik wani sweet together kene stay pas2 bile pakcik tu da x de kitorg kuar gitu je..amik metro g hotel tuh..

setibenye kat hotel tuh,jeng3..owner tu giler psiko!!kami booked utk 4 org tp act sebnr nye kami ber6..pakcik tu strict nk mampos!!!!x penah2 diwat org..siap mintak pasport dowh!!!kami stay dulu sbb nk tunggu pakcik tu blah then br la kami g nek tangge yg giler tinggi n sempit!!! tension2!!beg dah la berkilo2 adesss...mlm tu kami x g memane dah melainkan g kuar makn kat Pita House yg cekik darah!!coke 1 gelas besar + 1 slice lemon yg x sebrp tu da 5 euro lebey!!! padan muke kene sound ngan kak miha kebab die sedap la(menangis x berlagu~skali makn da almost 10 euros huhuhu)

Mlm tu kami tido dgn nyenyak sekali..esok mau jln2 more lefties plizz!!!kat luar tu still dok bising2 ape yg x penah tido..

Tuesday, January 6, 2009



on the 2nd day, kami bgn awl2 pagi and had Maggi for our breakfast.. hmm, nk bt cne tu je yg mampu.. then xnk bg nmpk sayu sgt mkn maggi, kitorg bli la telur sket kt kedai cina kt tepi hostel kami.. brg2 kt situ gile gile nye murah.. murah gle! then bt telur masak separuh kt dlm kettle.. huh, tym tu tetibe je rs telur tu sedap gle.. b4 this telur tu pandang sebelah mate pon xnk, yela kami kt Narnia mn mkn telur2 nh.. 

After breakfast, we all gerak g stadium yg terletak dkt ngan metro Santiago Bernabeu, kuar je gate metro tu teros nmpk stadium die name Estadio Santiago Bernabeu. Nk masuk stadium nh kne byr 15 euro, gle cekik darah, tp layan je la.. alang2 dtg Madrid kne ag g stadium die walaupon kami nh xde la peminat bola sgt.. tp kalo org ty at least kte dah penah pg kn.. tour kt dlm stadium nh xde tour guide, so kami pandai2 sendiri ikot kata hati.. first tmpt, kami naek tmpt plg atas skali, gle tinggi! cam cuak je kalo nk tgk bola from sini coz kne sorak sopan2, takot jatuh.. Then kami msk kt gallery yg ade all the cups, jersey, players zaman dulu2 sampai yg the latest.. ade gk kasut2 players yg dorg letak kt situ utk tontonan visitor. Tym kt dlm gallery nh dah timbul suare2 hati yg berkate kate "ces ak byr 15 euro nk tgk kasut je, adeh~" nh suare hati org yg x minat bola i guess.. tp sbb xnk mensia sia kn duit, kami menyeronokan diri dgn mengambil byk gle gmbr bersame same kasut2 and cups yg ade.. ini sebenarnye bertujuan utk berlagak dgn kwn2 yg minat bola and cara ini sgt berkesan coz ramai kwn2 ak yg jeles.. so MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Lepas berposing kt dlm gallery, pg amek gmbr kt bench players jap pastu g kt tmpt dorg bt press conference and amek gmbr disitu juge.. then pegi kt changing room players yg kosong xde pape pon.. org ckp kalo kt manchester ade baju2 player kt locker2 dlm changing room tu, so cam leh amek gmbr lg best kot.. maybe la ak pon xsure sgt.. seigt ak, nh last tour kami pastu msk kt tmpt jual all the souvenir.. mahal sgt, maklum la brg ori.. tp kami bli gk at least satu brg kt situ coz nk dpt paper bag die.. 

After stadium, kami g again kedai abg kebab tu kt Sol.. kami order kebab polo which mean chicken, tp sebutan die is poyo.. sgt laen maksud poyo kt spain ngan poyo kt m'sia.. ade gk yg order cordero (xsure btol x eja, layaann) which is beef.. kebab kt sini murah and kenyang la kalo mkn.. kami take away and blk mkn kt hostel and solat sume dlu.. ptg tu after setel sume perut, kami kuar g jln2 shopping kt Plaza de Espana coz mlm tu x smpt nk pusing byk kedai.. act kami igt nk g visit museum kt situ, xsure name museum tu ape, but then x smpt coz terlalu asyik membeli belah and museum tu tutup kol 5.. so, dah alang2 x sempat, kami teros je la membeli belah.. we had our dinner kt Mcd and sambung jln2 sambil amek gmbr lagi.. 

mlm tu blk hostel xsure kol bape, but yg sure lmbt la.. blk2 je teros tido coz esk nye dah nk gerak g Barcelona, so we needed beauty rest br bleh berjln2 dgn cergas nye!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

our first winter trip

orait kwn2, after a long winter break, we are back with a lot of great, interesting, adventurous and meaningful experiences and stories.. experiences about our first trip to Spain (nikwani, kak yong and ira), Italy (erica) and Turkey (nadia). 
For this entry ill write about the journey of three princesses to Spain and to be more specific, Madrid and Barcelona. Oleh sebab too many stories to tell, it will be post sikit2 in different entry.

our journey this time bertemakan 'LEFTIES'. At the end of our journey, lets count how many LEFTIES that we had.


we left our castle sweet castle, Castlewhite at around 6 pm to catch the last bus at 7 pm. Our kakaks, kak nad, kak miha and kak fika and us took a cab to go to the bus stop. Sampai kt air coach punye stop, the first LEFTIES happened.
LEFTIES 1: dgn jayenye meninggalkan food yg byk kt dlm cab

Then, we took the bus straight away to the Dublin Airport. We arrived at the airport at almost 12 midnight. Oleh sebab kelambatan tiba di airport, all the best seats to sleep were taken. Tinggal seat2 yg x best je. Kami x sempat bt perluasan kuase kt Dublin, so kami xde hak menghalau mereka dr merampas seat2 yg best. Maka at that night, the princesses of Narnia terpakse tido merempat. But its ok, we all can merempat sometimes.. its not a big deal for us. Lagipon ayahanda kami menggalakkan kami utk belajar hidup berdikari sebagai persediaan utk memerintah Narnia kelak. 

early at 4 am, we woke up. act x tido pon. dgn tahap kebisingan dan kekerasan kerusi, x mungkin kami boleh tido dgn nyenyak dan lame. so, bgn utk siap2 nk naek flight at 7 am. Mase tgh2 ready nk check in, kak nad br sedar yg die dah lame x nmpk hp die.. call punye call xde org angkat. the 2nd LEFTIES berlaku
LEFTIES 2: tertinggal hp kt dlm bas

pastu kami check in and naek flight and sampai dgn selamat nye kt Airport Barajas dlm kol 10 lebih camtu la, x sure sgt. Then kami naek metro g kt Tirso de Molina tmpt hostel kami yg sgt klasik. Lif die muat 3 org je xle lebih, kalo lebih nnt x naek. Sampai je, letak2 brg then teros kuar. Transport kami di sini selain naek kaki, kami juga naek metro and metro kt sini sgt cpt smpai, x sempat kami merasa nk tggu kt kerusi yg disediakan. Ade nada kejakunan sedikit di situ kerana situasi ini sgt berbeza di M'sia dimana kami penat merasa tggu kt kerusi yg disediakan. Kami juga kekadang sgt tension dgn kecepatan metro nh xoz x smpt nk berehat tren dah sampai, adeh~
Kami g jln2 area Sol, pastu g Plaza Mayor yg dikatekan famous, tp act xde pape pon kt situ. Org dok jual2 brg x best je. Pastu kt sini la kami termakan dan terjerat dgn pujuk rayu pak cik penjual Churros, sejenis makanan yg di'dip' kt dlm hot choc yg pekat gle. Hmm, kalo ikot ak yg x gemar benda pekat2 nh x sedap la, tp ira ckp best. Lain org lain rase kot, tp pak cik mmg cekik darah, benda alah tu mahal nk mampos. Sekali rs mmg dah xnk rs lg. Then g shopping sourvenir yg byk gle sambil2 cari kedai mknn halal which is kebab.

Sambil2 dok shopping, bergedik bersame same sambil mengambil gmbr yg sgt byk, nnt senang nk tunjuk kt rakyat jelata yg x pegi. Yang malang nye, tgh dok syok jln2 bergedik ketawa, dorg nh bersaeng pegi toilet. Dorg sume cirit birit coz mkn gulai kambing kt Airport Dublin mlm tu except nikwani.. haha sian dorg and pencetus segala cirit birit nh is kak miha bersame pesaeng terdekat nye which is kak fika. The 3rd LEFTIES
LEFTIES 3: tinggal gulai kambing kt bar and McD kt Madrid   

Kitorg shopping kt Plaza de Espana, byk gle kedai2 sale kt situ. Kami sume sudah tidak dpt mengawal diri dan bershopping dgn byk sekali tambah2 jumpa kedai name LEFTIES yg murah gle sampai kena halau coz kedai dah nk tutup. Then after penat bertungkus lumus bershopping kami balik tmpt persinggahan dan beradu. Next journey will be post next entry, DAY 2!